German National Championship in Skydiving 2024 in Gransee
This year we are happy to host the german national championship in skydiving in Gransee.
From the 02.- 07. September the best of the best will compete against each other in many different disciplines - Speed Skydiving, FS 4-Way and 8-Way, Wingsuit and many more!
The link down below will get you directly to the website.
GoJump – important information for funjumpers
GoJump would like to contribute to the future of our sport and will strongly support the association in its lobbying work from 2024.
If you would like to jump with us from 2024, you will need a membership with the DFV or our association FSG e.V.
For more information, please click on “Association Membership” below. We look forward to seeing you
GoJump – the playground for funjumpers
At regular intervals, we offer you various courses for improving your skills under the guidance of our coaches. Offerings range from RW, FF and Track- and Wingsuit to canopy courses.
In addition, you can expect interesting events such as the Italian weekend with Marco Tiezzi, high altitude and night jumps, and of course various competitions.
We look forward to you!
More information and our current ticket and rental prices can be found in the Price Overview.
Price Overview
Cloud 9 Festival
Flight-1 Courses
Starting this season, every licensed skydiver has the chance to attend a Flight-1 Canopy Course at GoJump. Additional information, registration through Flight-1 and enrollment are availabe here:
13. April Flight-1 101: Flight-1 Sport :: Course Detail
14. April Flight-1 102: Flight-1 Sport :: Course Detail20. April Flight-1 201: Flight-1 Sport :: Course Detail
21. April Flight-1 202: Flight-1 Sport :: Course Detail21. June Flight-1 401 Flight-1 Sport :: Course Detail
22. June Flight-1 401 Flight-1 Sport :: Course Detail
23. June Flight-1 401 Flight-1 Sport :: Course DetailWe are looking forward to your participation!
Flight-1 Homepage
Canopy Piloting with Tobi Scherrinsky
Hone your canopy piloting skills together with Tobi!
Depending on the participant's level, the focus will be on the basics of safe canopy control, safe approaches to faster landings, and advanced techniques for high-performance landings. Apart from short theoretical briefings, practical instruction will play the main role in this course. Approaches and landings will be explained, observed, filmed and then analyzed together. Tobi will accompany individual jumps and demonstrate course content in a practical fashion.
Miles will impart his expert knowledge and answer your questions individually. All questions are permitted, so don't be afraid of asking the wrong questions, those simply don't exist! After all, we want you to get your answers and learn something!
Canopy Control Coach Tobi is since 1996 in the sport, has over 9.000 jumps himself, and participated in 39 national and international canopy piloting competitions, with top 10 scores on different world meets, in places like Klatovy, Florida, Dubai, South Africa and more.
The dates for 2024 are already on our jump calender so have a look!More information is accessible on his Facebook page tagged below.
Facebook Tobi Scherrinsky
One jump, one stamp!
Start collecting now – With GoJump Sky Rewards!
At GoJump everyone is jumping at attractive prices:
Start a collection booklet with us at the Manifest, and receive a discount stamp worth 2 € for each jump you perform. Redeem credit when you have 30 stamps or more – e.g. for jump tickets, courses offered, equipment etc. More details available at Manifest!
Your effective ticket price without having to buying a block ticket can be as low as 31 €!
GoJump Hardcore Program
This program aims to promote skydiving as a sport at the Gransee site through structured training with experienced coaches and (if desired by participants) the formation of teams. At the moment, the disciplines RW, FF, WS and Canopy Piloting are available.
Students and skydivers with new licenses and no competition experience will be taught to jump together, and advanced participants will be trained to steadily improve their abilities.
GoJump equipment
Rentals & combos
GoJump works with a variety of providers for skydiving equipment.
Just sent us a message and we will guide you to your own complete rig.
Team Coaching
We offer the most competitive teamrates in germany. If you find a better deal in germany we will lower it by € 5,- per Teamjump. All our Teamrates are based on the same structure, no matter if you do 4-way, 8-way, Freefly or Freestyle. On the other side teamrates are only available for serious training teams (1 alternate allowed). A minimum of 10 Teamtickets have to be bought upfront and are non refundable.
4-way and 8-way Team Coaching
Teams welcome
The GoJump skydive center is a great place for team training. There is no other activity on our dropzone which means no holding and no hassle. Boarding, landing and packing is all within 100 meters which gives your team the most efficient training facility possible. Our Supervan 900 turns to 4,000m in 10 to 12 minutes, back to back is no problem. Please call us upfront and we arrange a team deal with you. We guarantee minimums of team jumps on weekends as well as in the week.
License jumper prices
Ready, set, go – Jump safely and in a climate-friendly fashion! We offer great courses, many exciting events and you can even save 2 € with each jump!
More information on prices can be found in the price overview.
Price Overview